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Year of Establishment 成立年份:


Mission 宗旨:
  • Strengthen the ties between alumni and our mother school 推動及加強校友與母校之聯繫

  • Strengthen the ties between hundreds of alumni 鞏固校友間之情誼

  • Encourage member to participate in community services 鼓勵會員參與社會服務

  • Support and Assist the development of our mother school 支持及協助母校的發展

Nature 性質:
  • Non-profit 非牟利

  • Apolitical 非政治性


SPKCAA is a Registered Society under the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151), Laws of Hong Kong.

香港神託會培基書院校友會已按照香港法例第 151 章第 5A(1)條社團條例之規定作社團註冊。

© 2014-2022 Stewards Pooi Kei College Alumni Association. All Rights Reserved.

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